Hi, I'm Isabel! 🌻
MSc student and climate nerd.
About me:

MSc candidate in Geography, Urban, and Environmental Studies at Concordia University, in the brand-new Carbon Governance Living Lab.
I hold a bachelors in geography from University of Waterloo, and two post-grad diplomas from the University of Toronto; one in data analytics, and one in climate change policy and practice.

My main research focusses are in climate and environmental science & governance, with approaches in data, and intersectional applications mindful of social inequities.
Having grown up on a farm in deep rural Ontario, my passion for socio-ecological governance has a special root in the rural / urban divide, Indigenous sovereignty, and community action.

On my spare time- I'm a major bookworm and hiker. I enjoy getting involved in local activism campaigns and mutual aid projects, and I can often be found with a latte and sweet pastry in hand :)

Currently working on:
🌱 Pursuing my research-based masters degree at Concordia University.
🌱 Furthering development and outreach of the Climate Vulnerability Compass.
Skills and Projects

Climate Change Policy and Adaptation
  • Currently studying my MSc in Geography, Urban, and Environmental Studies, researching and designing a carbon governance living lab.
  • Post-graduate diploma in Climate Policy and Practice at University of Toronto.
  • Honours Bachelors in Geography and Environmental Management from University of Waterloo. With a specialisation in economics.
Environmental Science and Management
  • Honours Bachelors in Geography and Environmental Management from University of Waterloo.
  • NSERC award for research in hydrologic biogeochemistry.
  • Two environmental research assistantships (Environmental science and Indigenous ecological pedagogy).
Data Analytics and Management
  • Certificate in Business Analytics from University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management.
  • Several research assistantships both in and outside of academia.
  • Quantitative research background, particularily in data scraping and mining using python.
Project highlights
  • Climate Vulnerability Tool developed with Climate Change AI and the Mila Institute
  • Undergraduate thesis: Sentiment analysis, NLP, social media rhetoric, global activism. All my favourite things wrapped up in one.
Click here for some project highlights

Work and Academic Background

Current: Master of Science

Concordia University

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Master of Science: Geography, Urban, and Environmental Studes.
Two year masters research program, September 2024 - April 2026
Our project is titled: Towards a Carbon Governance Living Lab: Designing and Testing Local Decarbonization Experiments.
Split advisory between Concordia University's Department of Geography, Urban, and Environmental Studies and the Department of Business Management, I get a cross-faculty, interdisciplinary research experience to look at new and experimental governance structures to work towards decarbonization.
My research is taking a particular interest to the governaning mechanisms of labs for socioecological transitions:
multi-stakeholder partnerships, the incorporation of user feedback, and the overarching process to foster innovative and societal change to build decarbonized cities.

Teaching assistant to a 3rd year undergraduate course on the economic development of urban regions.


Certificate of Climate Change Policy and Practice

University of Toronto

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Courses included:
- Climate Policy and Corporate Responses
- Sustainability Reporting
- Greenhouse Gas Accounting and Reporting
- Greenhouse Gas Validation and Verification
- French! This one is just for fun!


Words Worth Books

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Over nearly three years, I worked as a bookseller in a lovely independent bookstore in uptown Waterloo.
When not selling the books themselves, I read voraciously, both on and off the clock. With books specifically, I read, sold, reviewed, recommended, marketted, and editted books. I also helped run the Instagram, organised new marketting and display strategies, and ran events- such as author signings and meet-and-greets.

Certificate of Business Data Analytics

University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management

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To boost my data analytics skills acquired throughout my undergrad and research assistantships, I got a post-grad certificate in it!
Throughout this certification process, I studied the following:
- Dashboarding
- Prediction
- Regression
- Prescriptive Analysis
- Ethical uses of artificial intelligence
This was primarily an exercise to use my pre-existing skills in data for science to translate into corporate environments to help me jump-start into my career.

Honours Bachelors of Environmental Studies

University of Waterloo

Geography and Environmental Management

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My undergraduate degree in geography allowed me to take a wide breadth of courses and find unique ways of bending disciplines together. My passions in environmental issues, political issues, and economics were fulfilled by studying a specialisation in "Society and Economics", to which is recognised on my diploma.
Within the Department of Geography and the larger Faculty of Environment at University of Waterloo, I took varying courses across environmental science, sustainability management, statistics, data management, political geography, and economic geography.
Through my electives, I focussed on international development, Indigenous issues, philosophy, and english rhetoric.

Honours Thesis: Transnational Solidarity

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"Transnational Solidarity: A Methodological Assessment of Sentiment Analysis in Digital Geography" was a methodological efficacy assessment of utilizing Python-based machine learning tactics to study social media comment sections.
Using Python, I mined 39,000 Instagram comments from bite-sized infographic themed Instagram pages with the theme around world events and actvism, and analyzed them, both by hand, and using a natural language processing (NLP) open-sourced tool.
This research was done to explore the utility and accuracy of using sentiment analysis for social media research, as well as to create a framework to analyze international solidarity commentary with geopolitical events- with a special interest into the notion of "performative activism".

Hydrologic Biogeochemistry Modelling Research Assistant

University of Waterloo, Faculty of Engineering

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Worked with a postdoctoral fellow and group of researchers in lacustrine paleolimnological research for land-use and climate change impact research studies.
Four month coop position collecting and analyzing nutrient and elemental composition data in lake sediment for impact and causation trends. I was granted a Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Undergraduate Research Award for my work. Improved skills in Python, R, and statistics for environmental data modelling.

Environment Peer Leader

United College (formerly St. Paul's University College), University of Waterloo

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Collaborated with a team of 13 as an upper year student mentor to a residence floor of first-year environmental studies students. I ran study halls, tutored, and advised student transitions into university.

Research Assistant and Camp Counsellor

White Owl Native Ancestry Association

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Worked alongside Indigenous knowledge keepers to research and pass on sacred teachings, language, song, and culture. I created and managed a land-based ecology and community focussed curriculum.

Get in touch !
Email me!
isabelmdrummond at gmail.com